Nationwide. No, no longer all over the world. Akita International University students, or AIU students, gathered at Akita International University, located in Yuwa, Akita City, Akita Prefecture, from all over the world.

They make the best use of their strong and overwhelmingly unique personalities and survive in their daily lives...

However, once you observe AIU students carefully, you can actually classify them into several types...

You!, who usually don't like to fit into a mold! Why don't you try to fit into one of the 8 types that we have created for you today...?

And for those of you who are not AIU students, but have somehow found your way to this site without knowing it! Imagine if you were an AIU student... What type of AIU student would you be?

This is your chance. Why don't you take our AIU Student Diagnostic?

I'm not one to say no to favors.